Remove airborne fugitive dust by installing a highly efficient filtration system.

Controlling dust and preventing it from becoming a problem can be accomplished using one or more of three strategies: filtration, suppression or containment. Martin Engineering manufactures active dust filtration systems that use a fan to force air through a filter medium above the conveyor loading zones, as well as passive systems that do not require a fan.

Both types of filtration are designed to collect dust particles so they agglomerate into larger particles, which are returned to the material stream. Because these systems feature a compact design, they fit into tighter spaces without sacrificing effectiveness.

Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on these products and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!

Increased Productivity
  • Eliminate shutdowns to clean up airborne dust and clear it from the air
  • Workers who feel safe are happier and more productive
  • Reduce man-hours lost due to dust-related illness
Safer Operation
  • Eliminate the risk of airborne dust igniting and causing an explosion
  • Prevent the health risks caused by dust inhalation
  • Eliminate the need for hazardous maintenance and housekeeping
More Profit
  • Keeping dust in the flow stream means more throughput and more profit
  • Eliminate unnecessary downtime for maintenance and housekeeping
  • Better compliance results in a reduced risk of fines and lower insurance costs
Available Models

Absolutely No Excuses Guarantee

No Risk. No Hassle.  If, for any reason, you’re not completely satisfied with your product or solution, we will happily honor our Absolutely No Excuses Guarantee and fully refund your money or provide a better solution for you. Period.

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Free Engineering and Application Assistance

Our technicians have solved problems for people in your industry all over the world. Take advantage of our wealth of knowledge. Tell us about your situation today to learn how Martin can improve your performance, safety and bottom line - with no obligation. We want to ensure that you choose the right solution for your exact needs and we are willing to invest the time upfront to get it right the first time.

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Foundations™ for Conveyor Safety

Learn to Calculate your Return on Conveyor Safety™ with our compilation of worldwide best practices for safer bulk material handling in this first-ever textbook dedicated exclusively to the safety of conveyor systems.

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